Photo: Rafael Vilela

based between
São Paulo and Recife, Brazil | @mairaerlich



Maíra Erlich is a Brazilian documentary photographer with a focus on social issues, human rights, politics, and culture. For eight years she was dedicated to wedding photography, having won more than 50 awards and ranking among the best photographers, according to Fearless Photographers and ISPWP. In 2018, Maíra won the second season of the photography competition Arte Na Fotografia, on the Brazilian TV channel Arte1.

Currently works as an independent photographer, collaborating with international media outlets and organizations such as Bloomberg, The Wall Street Journal, El País, Reuters, The Nature Conservancy, Conservation International, among others.

In 2023, Maíra became a National Geographic Explorer, earning a grant to work on her project “Undermined: A Sinking City”, which explores the world’s largest urban mining disaster.

Member of Women Photograph, Diversify Photo, and The Everyday Projects.



Maíra Erlich é uma fotógrafa documental de Recife, Pernambuco, com interesse em questões sociais, direitos humanos, política e cultura. Por 8 anos se dedicou à fotografia de casamentos, onde conquistou mais de 50 prêmios e ocupou o ranking de melhores fotógrafes do mundo nos diretórios Fearless Photographers e ISPWP. Em 2018 venceu a segunda temporada do reality show Arte Na Fotografia, do canal Arte1.

Atualmente trabalha de forma independente, colaborando com veículos e organizações internacionais como Bloomberg, The Wall Street Journal, El País, Reuters, The Nature Conservancy, Conservation International, entre outros.

Em 2023, Maíra se tornou uma National Geographic Explorer, ganhando uma bolsa para realizar o projeto "Undermined: A Sinking City", que explora o maior desastre urbano de mineração do mundo.

Membro das organizações Women Photograph, Diversify Photo e The Everyday Projects.

awards & recognition.

2024  Nominated for the Joop Swart Masterclass | World Press Photo
2024  Diversify Photo - Photos of the Year | link
2023  National Geographic Explorer Grant
2023  Vital Impacts Mentorship Program | link
2023  Diversify Photo - 50 Best of the Year Photos | link
2023  Women Photograph Year in 100 Pictures | link
2022  Diversify Photo - 50 Best of the Year Photos | link
2022  Women Photograph Year in 100 Pictures | link
2022  Finalist Portfolio Award | Solar Foto Festival | Fortaleza, Brazil 
2020  Women Photograph Year in 100 Pictures | link
2020  Finalist FotoFest Brazil / LensCulture Call
2019  Nominated for the Joop Swart Masterclass | World Press Photo
2018  Winner on TV competition Arte na Fotografia 2 | Arte1 Channel | Brazil
2018  3rd Best wedding story in 12 photos | 12 The Story Award
2016  Top 30 Best Wedding Photographers of the Year | Fearless Photographers
2016  Top 20 Best Wedding Photographers of the Year | Inspiration Photographers
2016  Top 100 Best Wedding Photographers of the Year | ISPWP
2016  Top 150 Best International Wedding Photographers | SLR Lounge
2016  Nominated for Photographer of the Year | Inspiration Photographers
2016  Nominated for Wedding of the Year | Inspiration Photographers
2014  Top 10 Best Wedding Photographers of the Quarter - Winter | ISPWP
2014  Top 20 Best Wedding Photographers of the Quarter - Fall | ISPWP
2014  Top 30 Best Wedding Photographers of the Year | Fearless Photographers
2014  Top 100 Best Wedding Photos | Canon Wedding Photographers Contest


2024  A História Que Eu Imaginei Pra Você (The Story I Envisioned For You) | Museu da Imagem e do Som | São Paulo, Brazil
2024  Resiliência - Habitar na Emergência Climática (Collective) | Festival Foto BSB | Brasília, Brazil
 Vital Impacts (Collective) | Festival della Fotografia Etica | Lodi, Italy
Nida.Meeting Photography (Collective) | Nida, Lithuania
2021  Rituels Photographiques, Rituels de Resistance - Un regard sur le Brésil (Collective) | Arles, France
2021  Onde Mora a Esperança (Collective) | Habitat para a Humanidade | São Paulo, Brazil
2021  Presença (Collective) | Mulheres Luz | São Paulo, Brazil
2020  Retratos de Mulheres por Mulheres (Collective) | São Paulo, Brazil


2022  Digital Brazil Project, San Diego State University | english | link
2022  Musée Magazine | english | link
2021  Podcast Consumarte | portuguese | link
2019  Festival de Fotografia de Paranapiacaba | portuguese | link
2019  Fotografe Melhor #269 | portuguese | link
2016  Podcast Papo de Fotógrafo | portuguese | link
2014  Matéria: Como eu fiz a foto | IPhoto Channel | portuguese | link
2012  Revista Continente | portuguese | link

event curating.

2020  Event co-curator Festival de Fotografia de Tiradentes online
2019  Event and exhibit co-curator Festival de Fotografia de Paranapiacaba

contest jury.

2023  Jury member The Nature Conservancy Photo Contest
  Jury member Fearless Photographers Collection 60
2021  Jury member Amarelos Family Photography Contest
2020  Jury member Amarelos Family Photography Contest
2019  Award coordinator 8º Prêmio Wedding Best
2019  Jury member Fearless Photographers Collection 47
2018  Jury member 7º Prêmio Wedding Best
2018  Jury member Amarelos Family Photography Contest
2016  Jury member Fearless Photographers Collection 34
2015  Jury member MyWed Award

talks & presentations.

2025  National Geographic Storytellers Summit | Washington, USA
 Festival Foto BSB | Brasília, Brazil
2024  Foto em Pauta | Belo Horizonte, Brazil
2024  Photoville Festival | online
 ImageCon | São Paulo, Brazil
  Eye N' Art Experience | Natal, Brazil
2019  Conferência Lampião | Campos dos Goytacazes, Brazil
2019  Recife Image | Recife, Brazil
2019  Webinar Senac: Mercado de fotografia | online
2018  Congresso Capixaba de Fotografia | Vitória, Brazil
2018  Festival de Fotografia de Paranapiacaba | Brazil
2018  Fearless Conference | Split, Croatia
2018  Wedding Brasil | São Paulo, Brazil
2018  Photos&Imagens Conference | Belo Horizonte, Brazil
2018  RaiTai Meeting | Uberlândia, Brazil
2018  Papo do Bem | São Paulo, Brazil
2017  Congresso Fotografar | São Paulo, Brazil
2017  Faculdade AESO Barros Melo | Olinda, Brazil
2016  Wedding Brasil | São Paulo, Brazil
2016  Fhox On the Road | Recife, Brazil
2015  Fhox On the Road | Recife, Brazil
2012  Pensando Fotografia - Faculdade AESO | Recife, Brazil


2015-ongoing  PhotoMentoring, a program focused on photographers development process
2014-2018  Workshop “That thing you felt was missing but didn't know what it was” (Aquilo que você sentia que faltava mas não sabia o que era) | 10 editions in Recife, Maceió, São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Campo Grande, Porto Alegre, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil
2011  Image workflow and toning | Instituto Candela | Recife, Brazil


2022  VII Academy Seminar: Photojournalism and Documentary Photography Seminar, Level 1 | online
2022  Natalie Keyssar + Daniella Zalcman's Intensive Editing Workshop | online
2021  Women Photograph Workshop | online
2018  Visual Storytelling workshop with VII Photo Agency | Spain
2017  Foundry Photojournalism Workshop | Mexico
2010  Design, Bachelor's Degree | Universidade Federal de Pernambuco | Brazil
2008  Exchange Undergraduate program on Advertising | Universidad de Valladolid | Spain